Tuesday 17 June 2008

Wembley Park Trail Lights

For a while I've wanted to give this a try. A slow shutter speed is great to create trail lights. Its easy to over expose so fiddling with the exposure compensation will let less light into the lens.

The images show Wembley Park Station on Bridge road.

The high trail lights is a double decker bus passing while the shutter is open.

After about thirty minutes into shooing I had to introduce myself to police. They were friendly and didn't demand me to give them my memory card or tell me to stop. They asked if I was a student and found it quite peculiar seeing someone sitting on the side walk taking photographs after 10pm at night. Its old news - amateur and professional photographers alike are getting hammered in London after 7/7.

Click on the in photos dot org in Blogs and Sites to see more on the topic of photogaphers rights in the UK.

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